Friday 7 April 2017

'Beat The Blues'

Many of us think about our physical health, but never really think about our mental health. As with physical health, mental health too is very important. A healthy body is useless without a healthy mind. Life can be enjoyed and problems managed with good mental health. Good mental health provides a feeling of well-being and gives us strength to face any odds. Physical health is looked after by eating the right foods and exercising. The same is applicable to keeping a healthy mind.
The food we eat gives energy to do physical and mental task.  Proper nutrition value intake boots and further improve our physical and mental health. There are various vitamins and minerals that fight ill health of the mind. For example, vitamin B12, calcium, folate, iron and omega-3 are known to fight symptoms of depression. Consuming foods high in these essential nutrients just may prevent the onset of depression. Of course, the same foods do not agree with every person. We are all different. So, one food group that works for one individual will not necessarily work for another, thus before forming a diet plan, it is best advice to have a health check up and consult a doctor on what you can continue or add in to your diet as a supplements. In the similar way having a regular exercising routine or giving time to pleasure activities helps to relax the mind and releases positive chemicals that effect our being happy such as Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphins. Further to it having a good quality sleep of 7 to 8 hours helps to heal and rejuvenate the body and mind before beginning a new day and keeps stress at bay. This small improvising techniques can ensure good mental health and 'feel good' factor.

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