Sunday 31 May 2015


Today on my beautiful early morning walk, I came across a friend of mine who had finished her walking and was standing gazing at something. With a warm smile, lot of enthusiasm and loudness in my voice, I greeted her good morning, but she stood there staring in the infinite. I thought maybe she didn’t hear me and came few steps back, and greeted her again, waving my hand in front of her eyes as if to bring her focus on to me or to get her out from her trance state. She was so astonished and asked Hey! What a surprise! When did come you? Sorry…. I was so lost in thoughts about all the problems going around me and didn’t notice. For a moment it felt as if only the physical body of hers was standing in front of me, but the mind is somewhere else.
This is not only with my friend, this happens with most of us when we are eating, driving, talking, multi tasking with any work, we are completely occupied with en number of things running in the back of our mind. This makes me think, Are we living our moments? Most of us look back at our past years and think how we want to see our future, with that accordingly plan our present. But of all, if I ask what is on your mind now? The answer could be something like, thinking of the meeting that I have with my boss today, wife/husband’s birthday tomorrow and thinking what should I give, my child’s parent-teacher meet in school, need to take permission from the office for a half day leave …..and the list can go on…..and on ….ooooon
That doesn’t mean we don’t have awareness but these awareness is for the tomorrow that is still to come or about things related to days gone by and in it lost is the awareness of just being now and here. On top of it, awareness gets mixed with thoughts, feelings, emotions which give raise to labeling, judgments and interpretations. In other words, Awareness gets attached to strings which give raise to tensions, restlessness and stress.
Awareness can be explained in many adjectives such as consciousness, realization, understanding, attentiveness, grasp, alertness, wakefulness, Knowledge. When we are just an observer to awareness that comes for ourselves, others, situation, events and just float with it, that’s the pure awareness. Many a times when things come to our awareness we start introspecting, reasoning it, and looking at things in deeper way. We do say, the meaning of life can be deepened with high awareness but at the same time, awareness with lot of thinking and over whelmed sense of perception can lead to days and days of wandering with the same thoughts and can be chores. Awareness of just being in now keeps us grounded, drops our emotional baggage being carried further and making us live moments to the fullest…….
Let’s embark our moments to ...... “NOW and HERE”
Priyanka Padhi

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