Thursday 25 June 2015


 When we glance in to our lives whether persons or things, smallest to biggest, everything and anything can easily turn into attachment. From all the emotional relationships, to house, cars, phones, jobs and even favorite dress that we own, to further complicate our lives, we get attached to even those who once existed as important component in our lives but are no more around us due to parted by fate or god.  I am not talking about remembering moments spend with them to inspire us, it’s the cling on them to never let go off.  

Philosophy on attachment says it is the root cause of suffering as it gives rise to pain, desire, hatred, insecurity, fear. And to end this suffering is to take the path of non-attachment.

In my thoughts attachment is not the root cause. It’s just the bark of a tree. The root is love; our love has further developed into attachment. If a plants root is healthy but its bark is getting infected, it doesn’t mean we up root complete plant or get into a life of detachment. We treat the bark or cut it off, so that new shots can emerge to form healthy bark from the strong roots. What happens if we spread this root deeper into our lives? I mean to say if we can make our life nurture with love only, the bark or the pillar of our life will stand with fruits of happiness, compassion, trust and bliss.  We humans have inborn quality of loving, that’s the homeostatic state of mind or balance state. But troubled by our experiences and belief system, we tend go into an impression state of suffering. Though we can get into the coil of experiencing all these emotions but coming back to equilibrium level of love is the fuel to existence. As much as we stay in this frequency of love, the better we get used to aperture altruism love. As quoted by novelist and poet John Updike, “We are most alive when we’re in love.”  This explains it all  : )

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